Neo-Geo A = 3DS B Neo-Geo B = 3DS A Neo-Geo C = 3DS Y Neo-Geo D = 3DS X Neo-Geo Start = 3DS Start Neo-Geo Coin/Select = 3DS Select Turbo button: As of version 1.5.1 a turbo button has been added. This button has to be manually enabled by giving it a key map from the button remapping option. SNK Neo Geo Pocket 3D Box. More Gameboy Advance Manuals. Nintendo Entertainment System Video Snaps Pack (No-Intro) (USA, World) (SQ) By Circo. Download Complete ROM Sets (Full Sets in One File) ROMs. Update Pack MAME 0.161 CHDs MAME 0.161 ROMS MAME 0.161 to 0.162 Update Pack MAME 0.162 to 0.163 Update. Download the romset and extract it in MAME roms directory. BIOS: Some Games will require a BIOS file to run like Neogeo will need (this is a bios file for Neogeo). BIOS Pack Included in Romset.